Thanks again to Cheryl for allowing me to blog this design!
It takes a long time to create heirlooms. Photos and information on this blog are not free to be pinned, copied, or transferred without my permission. Please be cyber savvy and ask before taking.
Friday, February 27, 2009
The cuff on the hat has a body
Thanks again to Cheryl for allowing me to blog this design!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Percy is finally strutting his stuff!
Since the middle of last week, Percy is now putting on a show several times a day. He hops up on the back of the rollback truck and prances by my window! Pretty soon, he starts fluffing his tail....
and shows off his behind first with all those downy feathers on his back
and then will turn and show the full display! He prances about..
We are still having a great time with people who come in and say "did you know there is a peacock out there?" LOL and, others "where is the peacock?, I brought the kids!"
Meanwhile, we will just keep feeding him.....and now there is talk of a pea hen!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Patchwork Snowman
And the stitching begins! I have done the Turkey Work in Mandarin Floss and Sparkle on the cuff on the hat as well as the pom pom. You will notice I have not cut and trimmed it as yet. I will wait and do that after I have stitched all the surrounding areas. I have also outlined the hat in a tent stitch using Splendor.
This will be lots of fun, and I hope you come back often to see the progress!
Monday, February 23, 2009
The box for #10
Here is the Kick Back and Stitch, number 10, finished and ready for the party! I did this box the same as the last one. The inside is sprayed with the suede paint, and the exterior has been painted with the gold. After applying the canvas to the top with glue, I also glued the gold Christmas trim all the way around the edges to finish it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Les Ballons is finished!
It not only works up quickly, but as with all the Kick Back and Stitch, has wonderful instructions and a multitude of color ways.
I am working on the finishing and you will see that in a day or two!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Midnight Garden box

Friday, February 20, 2009
Les Ballon
This is the next Kick Back & Stitch design by Terry Gifford that I am working. This is another gift that I need to complete for an upcoming birthday. The original is pictured in greens but this recipient likes these colors.
I created the circle by stitching Smyrna's around the design with Perle Cotton. Then the interior Smyrna's are done using Pebbly Perle, P86. I attached the blue metallic bugle beads, passing through twice, with a dark purple beading thread. Last, I started the upright cross stitch using DMC Jewel Effects. I have changed the fibers called for in the design in order to shop my "stash".
I have been finishing for the last couple of days, and by tomorrow hope to have at least one photo for you to see of those!
I have been finishing for the last couple of days, and by tomorrow hope to have at least one photo for you to see of those!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Royal Angel
Thanks to Kandace Merric for allowing us to stitch these for the ANG auction and to take liberty with her instructions so that each one will be unique!
Monday, February 16, 2009
We have wings!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Halo and more background
Friday, February 13, 2009
That's some collar!
I finished the background around his head and back stitched clear down to the start of the wing and then over a little bit. I then got the 002HL #8 Kreinik to do the needle lace collar. I put it in and did not like how it looked. Sooooo, I took it all back out! I thought it was too lacy for the geometric lines of his royal coat. I pushed the chair over in front of the bookshelf and cruised until I found the Diagonal Weaving stitch. The lines flow with the robe, in my humble opinion, and I hope Kandace approves!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
He's back......
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Finishing the Holly ornament
I decided it was time to finish the Holly ornament by Jody Designs. This is laid out on a piece of black so that you can see what I am using. On the top left is a piece of white velvet and the top right is a copy of the completed design. On the bottom right is a green ribbon that matches the left side of the holly. In the middle is a piece of foam, and the right bottom is the finished piece, with the muslin strips still attached from being attached to the frame.
I mailed this piece to my sister in Grand Rapids with her recent birthday card. She just loves it! I talked to her last night so I know she has it and therefore was able to post the final pictures.
Jody Designs now has a presence on Facebook if you would like to stop by and see what is going on over there!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Everyone has dibs on this one!
I am glad you all like this one and apologize for starting any battles over it. I however, am going to Anne's for my birthday as she gets chocolate turtles! Yum!
I have a couple of other designs by Kick Back and Stitch that you will see in the future. Maybe there will be another one in blue, and pick and silver!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Not quite.....almost!
The Kick Back and Stitch patterns are great to work with as they list a multitude of color combinations and you can create your own as well. Picture this done in purples, blacks, off whites, or even reds and greens as a Christmas ornament.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Some blue and some gold
By the way, thanks for all the great comments and requests for this piece for your birthday too! I will have to keep that in mind! LOL
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I am also working on
Friday, February 6, 2009
What I did....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The bordered underskirt
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Royal Bodice
I started the basketweave next to the paw and since the Splendor 961 is so close to the white, I outlined with a single strand of the black to distinguish the paw from the background.
This is stitching so quickly, maybe because he thinks royalty is entitled to such!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fancy Schmanzy
Last, I moved down and filled in the basketweave out past the edge of the sleeve.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Beginning a royal sleeve
I have been checking my stitch books for a possible variation for the wings and have come up with a couple of possibilities, but we still have time to decide.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Blame it on the Super Bowl
So sorry there is not an update on the Tudor Dog tonight. We attended the annual super bowl party with a group of our friends. I did take some stitching to work on, but did not get enough done to post a photo, and you will see the project in the future--promise! Tomorrow night I will be back working on the Tudor Dog. Hope you come back to see what I accomplish!
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