Friday, May 27, 2011

Think earrings and eyeglass holders

Peacock Alley needlepoint, I think I have mentioned them before!, has great new goodies!  Bead Soup Starters!  The package says seed beads + small variety=Bead Gravy with lumps.  The glass bead mixes  will each string up to about "30" in length" and you can add "cr-rrunch to your diet of fibers and fabric".  They are Hofmann Originals and have a website at http://, but you can also contact the girls at Peacock Alley to get you some.  Machelle has some in the front window display on the home page and I noticed them as soon as I went in...... the ones on the left are Tomato Salsa, and the ones on the right are Crispy Blue Bright.....thinking earrings here people.  Then.....I did not know Au Ver A Soie has Soie Chenille a' Broder, shown in black......thinking eyeglass holders....chuckling to myself too! 

1 comment:

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Looks like Wild Woman will have some fabulous earrings and glasses!

Will her glasses have rhinestones in the corners?

Inquiring minds....