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Sunday, May 31, 2009
A back petal
Saturday, May 30, 2009
It is going to be a cupcake!
I have two shades of pink Flair and a white Frosty Rays along side the two shades of Goldrush 18 to create the cupcake! 
Here you can see I drew the outline of the cupcake on offwhite 18 count canvas flecked with gold and have started alternating rows of slanted Gobelin with a single strand of the Goldrush. I am alternating the colors so it looks like the scallops that the cupcake paper would have.
This is going to be for a bridal shower at the end of July. The bride to be is a cake decorator and loves cupcakes. Her mother made the suggestion to stitch her a cupcake after I did the shaving brush, number two, for her husband. I think it is a great idea.
This is going to be a lot of fun and a quick stitch too!
Here you can see I drew the outline of the cupcake on offwhite 18 count canvas flecked with gold and have started alternating rows of slanted Gobelin with a single strand of the Goldrush. I am alternating the colors so it looks like the scallops that the cupcake paper would have.
This is going to be for a bridal shower at the end of July. The bride to be is a cake decorator and loves cupcakes. Her mother made the suggestion to stitch her a cupcake after I did the shaving brush, number two, for her husband. I think it is a great idea.
This is going to be a lot of fun and a quick stitch too!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This one is finished!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Octagon
I really like how this is developing. Just as a reminder this is still all part of Lesson one!
Your questions, comments: Yes, I do like doing the rotation stitching, although not because it was boring to work on any one piece. These are all interesting pieces. I find I can pick up where I left off very quickly. The Kick Back and Stitch piece will be finished tomorrow night and I will be adding a new piece into the rotation. More info tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
More couching
I return to the Kimono, the cuffs and the collar. I started down the right side of the collar after completing the right hand side cuff. I find that I am getting a little faster at this, but not much! LOL. This is a single strand of Kreinik #12 couched in place with three strands of the Soie Cristale. I doubt that this will be finished anytime soon, and the June stitch will be out in a couple of days!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Another petal
This is stitching fairly quickly. Before the July meeting, we need to have the flower all done, as well as the leaves. Stay tuned, I am sure we will make it!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Kick Back, Day Three
For the background, I used two strands of floss and worked a blackwork type pattern to fill in each area.
This piece will be finished the next time it is in the rotation!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sprats Galore!
Be sure to click the picture to get a look at the shine!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
In the last Kimono session, I had barely started the cuff on the left side. The pattern for this is to lay a piece of Kreinik and then couch a design on top of it. Each row is couched as it is laid. This is very slow go, but I managed to complete the left side cuff tonight. This is repeated on the right side and then a double row of this is worked down the center front. Can you say "this is gonna take forever"?
If you are too impatient to wait and see, skip over to Jan's and take a look at her piece!
If you are too impatient to wait and see, skip over to Jan's and take a look at her piece!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Another Iris Petal
Working the rotation is a lot easier than I thought it would be. I was concerned that I would spend a lot of time refocusing on where I was and what I was doing, but I am enjoying doing a little bit on each one for now!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Jessicas and Beads
I think the stitching rotation is going along fairly well. I can see progress in each piece, and, I haven't gotten confused yet! LOL
Monday, May 18, 2009
The diamond grows
Sunday, May 17, 2009
March SOTM-Kimono
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I stitch here...(photo heavy)
When we bought our house, the sewing room and the workshop were both major decisions as to why we chose this one. We also really liked the rest of the house and location, LOL!
The first picture is the closet under the stairs, where I have a bookcase with baskets of stash!
This is the chair where DH sits, (next to the antique thread cabinet that holds my beads) with the cat laying on the pillows.
There is also another thread cabinet on the old ice box. It holds the DMC perle cottons in 3,5, and 12's. The icebox holds fabrics and wool threads. The bookcase next to it holds books and the tall cabinet at the end holds magazines. The small case at the very end holds some of my antique sewing collectibles.
This is one end of the countertop, with thread boxes above.
This is the other end of the countertop and the four rotation projects sit next to TV. In the cabinets and drawers below, I keep such things as stretcher bars, light box, UFO's, paints, and such.
The first picture is the closet under the stairs, where I have a bookcase with baskets of stash!
Friday, May 15, 2009
One full iris petal
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Octagon 11, day two
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ecrusheen, Day Two.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
It's a Kimono, trust me!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Diamond Iris
Next I laid in four rows of #16 Kreinik braid, anchoring the starting thread with the "L" stitch. You notice the thread is still attached at the bottom left of the photo for creating future laid rows. Then, using four strands of floss, I filled in the lightest of five shades of purple at the very tip of the first petal. I followed this by starting the next value, but have not completed it. I am following the suggested layout of color changes in the pattern. The bottom little "L" stitches that I used to start both of these threads, and they will be covered by future rows of stitching. The anchoring stitches will be worked under the design area stitches due to the pattern that will be created immediately around the outside of the design. Parking threads in this area now would leave enlarged holes in the canvas that would distort the future pattern design.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Starting Number Two
By the way, ladies, go wash the butter off your fingers before you stitch....after eating all that popcorn!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Starting Ecrusheen
I had to start the Loretta Spears piece!! Ecrusheen (Mystery #12) was sitting there with all the fibers ready to go just yelling my name!
So, here we go. The South Cross Stitch is worked with Kreinik #4 in 205C. The recipe calls for three spools of this so we are going to be seeing it a lot! It is also worked with DMC Perle Cotton #12 in Ecru. This is a very interesting stitch, not hard to work, but you need to pay serious attention to your counting and the diagram.
After that, I used a single strand of Marlitt and did four straight base Sprats Heads on each of the sides.
Not bad for the first night's work!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Decisions, Decisions
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
M is the end.
This stitched up fairly quickly. Thanks again to Sharon G for such a great canvas design and she also gets the credit for the idea to use the Japanese gold in the center for the initial.
Tomorrow, I start the "lottery" to determine what is up next!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The last line
I only have the center of the emblem to finish, but, that has to wait until tomorrow night!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Soaring with angels.
It is with great sadness that I pass along news that Jean Hilton passed away in her home in Arizona. Jean is one of my favorite designers and has created many beautiful stitches that we all use in our stitching. She very graciously gave her permission for me to use her Chilly Hollow Stitch in a design I created a while ago. I have many of her projects waiting in the wings. I know she now has her own wings.
I hope you all take a moment in her memory.
I hope you all take a moment in her memory.
That is better
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Why is it?
I spent a lot of time working on the Shave today. Tonight when I sat down, I realized I had made a mistake 16 rows back. I practiced my least favorite rip it stitch tonight and kept kicking myself for that one thread error!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
A couple more patterns
Friday, May 1, 2009
Instead of Shave Shave Shave
Instead of stitching Shave Shave tonight, I planted posies outside! It was really nice and it is supposed to rain tonight, so I wanted to move some things around and put a couple of new things in the ground. I moved a lot of lamb's ears from the small side garden over by the trees along the side of the yard. I then put in some of the new small low growing sedum varieties. I also put a new pot of Phlox in the old well pump planter. I moved some of the pink ice plant around as it grows towards the lawn and the middle looks empty. Last, I planted a Habenero pepper for DH in the veggie section. It looks pretty good and there are still some other things to do, but that will be another day.
Tomorrow, more Shave, Shave, Shave!
Tomorrow, more Shave, Shave, Shave!
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