It takes a long time to create heirlooms. Photos and information on this blog are not free to be pinned, copied, or transferred without my permission. Please be cyber savvy and ask before taking.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Brillante Weblog Award
Here are the rules:
1. The winner can display this award on their blog.
2. Display a link to the person you have got the award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs that you like.
4. Set the links to the blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a comment on the blogs you have chosen.
Limiting it to seven is hard, and there are many wonderful blogs to read, don't you think? I'd like to list all of them... But I'll pick these favorites, among all the other favorites I have listed on the right (click on their titles on the right, to visit their blogs):
I always read:
Chilly Hollow
Laura Perrin-Two Handed Stitcher
Cyn Stitches
Stitching in Alamo
and several others that I still to add to the list!
Hope you check them out!
Thanks again, Laura!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Lesson #2 Mystery Project

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Betsy Bluebird-Updated.

Monday, July 28, 2008
Santa Heart

And, here is where I am so far:
First, I used DMC floss and padded the nose vertically and horizontally. Lastly, the third layer was added vertically again in Satin Stitch. Next, the eyes were worked using white DMC floss, Black Fyre Werks, and DMC black for the eyelash illusion. Step three was to work the face using DMC flosses in basketweave. Eyebrows were added using Designers Dream Wool and Stem stitching them in place. Last, again using Designers Dream wool, he has hair!
Don't you just love the twinkle in his eye already?
mirror blog:
Sunday, July 27, 2008
TaDa--Charlie Chickadee! UPDATED!

mirror blog:
Friday, July 25, 2008
The last stitches are in

Cyn asked what is next? I have the Bluebird to do, but am still deciding on threads, so check back tomorrow to see what I will do in the meantime!
mirror blog:
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Heeerrreee's Charlie!

I continued with the Snow-in white, and it is almost done. This piece will use the entire skein of Snow, in case you are planning to use the same fiber. I also filled in more of the lighter Soy Luster, across the chest and some at the bottom. I hope to finish the stitching tomorrow, but am not making any promises!
mirror blog:
Monday, July 21, 2008
He's got cheeks!

Friday, July 18, 2008
As much as I can for now....

Remember if you click on the photo, it will enlarge and you may be able to see more of the metallic as well as the wonderful light play achieved so far.
But, for now I am setting this aside for a bit.
I picked up the last fibers needed for the Chickadee and will begin him tomorrow.
Yes, Mom, there soon will be more!
mirror blog:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Two more grids

The center bottom grid is worked in a snowflake design using first the Perlee and then two strands of silver cord create the cross stitches. This, then also mirrors the fibers on the top half in the same grid.
Tomorrow, I am picking up the last fibers I need to start the birds, and I will get one on the frame on Saturday.
mirror blog:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Second filled in grid

mirror blog:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The mirror image

mirror blog:
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Completed Lesson #1

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Filling in the grids

Friday, July 11, 2008
The center grid

mirror blog:
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mystery #2

I hope you stay tuned to see how this progresses, as there is no picture to show you what the completed project is to look like!
mirror blog:
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Feathered Fatima!

First, I finished the back with some of the gold lame--she needs the glitz, don't ya know?--over some of the craft foam. I centered a piece of gold cording for the hanger and tucked in to the inside. Next, I got out the old Singer and sewed around all the sides, leaving the bottom open. I then turned it inside out and stitched the bottom shut. This apparently was the easy part! Sewing fluffy feathers on the sides was total fun--little fluffs of pink feathers float in the air, while I stab myself with a very sharp needle! But, we think she is beautiful and I know she is going to be welcomed in her new home.
As Jane says, thank goodness there wasn't glue and glitter involved!
mirror blog:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Details On Peach Delight
I have gotten some questions and wanted to answer them for all to read, instead of just in comments.
First, I forgot to list the Splendor color number for the center of my Peach (Pink) Delight. It is S813. Happy stitching to those of you who are starting this one.
mirror blog:
Monday, July 7, 2008
Peach Delight is framed!

Back to stitching on feathers for Fatima!
mirror blog:
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Peach Delight is all stitched!

Then, I placed a 1/2 inch ring on the center of the canvas and buttonhole stitched all the way around it, attaching it to the canvas. Next, another ring of buttonhols stitches to create the petal effect around the ring, all using four strands of Splendor. Next, I covered some 5 mm beads with two strands of the Bravo again. She suggested buttonholing all around the bead to attach it to the canvas. Instead, I just wrapped the beads and attached them that way. Next, using two strands of the Bravo, I created the rays around the outside. Then, using a single strand of the Kreinik, I made even more rays. Last, I attached the beads in the center of the flower and spilled them over the top. Below is a closeup of the center. I will frame this later on, and post the final photo for you.
This piece was a lot of fun and a very quick stitch--about 8 hours! Just think of all the possible color combos on this one......fiber changes......
mirror blog:
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Peach Delight, Part II of Step One

After finishing the bargello pattern with the Kreinik, I then stitched in the corresponding bargello, to complete the outside, using Bravo. The pattern called for 124, but I used 129.
You will notice that is teal/turquoise in the card. I did not want that in the piece, so I cut out the section of that color, and only used the remaining part of the overdyed.
One thing you will hear me say time and again, is that it is your piece, so you are free to change colors, or even fiber. I always stitch a design I like, but I frequently change colors to fit the scheme of who is getting the piece, and where it may go.
mirror blog:
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Peach Delight
I am changing the peach colors to pink, and will let you know what I switched to as I go. The pattern calls for a bargello pattern as the first step. I switched to color 007 in the Kreinik #12 braid. This is what I finished so far:
The finished size is 6" x 6", so this will be a fairly quick stitch. Hope you can tag along.
mirror blog:
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Christopher Cardinal

Below is a photo of the boys just hanging out together:

As you can see, I am not making the stands all the same height. The next two will also be different heights so Mom can group them how she wants to.
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