Using four strands of Splendor 844, I used the stem stitch to fill in two more leaves on the lower right tonight. They take me a while, but they do look good. Almost all the leaves have directional lines on them and I am working them as drawn.
It takes a long time to create heirlooms. Photos and information on this blog are not free to be pinned, copied, or transferred without my permission. Please be cyber savvy and ask before taking.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The center petal and....
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The last flower
Tonight I worked on the last flower on the right, which is the last flower on the fan. I am using a single strand of DMC flower thread and the Alicia last stitch.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A little variety
Rotation day brings back Gifts of Love by Sharon G and I decided to work on the left bow streamer. Using a single strand of Marlitt, I worked on filling in this streamer. I used both the blue and the cream and made quite a bit of progress on this section tonight.
Monday, December 27, 2010
The beaded Snow Garden
I added the pearls to the Snow Garden tonight and it is now complete. I will be finishing this as an ornament this next weekend!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas, one and all!
May you all be filled with the joy of family, fun, and friendship during the Christmas season and thank you for
visiting the blog!
visiting the blog!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Bargello Stocking
This is a bargello stocking that I started way too long ago, and decided it was time to finish it up. I only had the last ten or so rows to do and it could move from the unfinished pile over to the finishing pile! I worked the pattern in Needle Necessities,Flair, Patina, and Fyre Werks so it very shiny and glitzy. It is about 6" tall and will be a lined stocking when next I remove the sewing machine from its' case!
Otto framed
Otto is framed! The true color of the frame is depicted on the lower right. The sun was shining and this is the best shot I could get! The mat matches the darkest wine color in the mountains and the design on the frame reflects the mountain angles. I will try again to get a better shot, but he is ready for his road trip!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Snow Garden
I finished all of the rows in the Snow Garden! The fibers in this piece are the Alabaster, Flair, and Encore from the outside in.....all that is left is the beads!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The week before Christmas...
Twas the week before Christmas, all through the house
All the creatures are stirring, even the mouse;
The stockings are packed by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here:
The baked goods were nestled all snug in their tins,
While visions of more cookies danced in the din;
And mamma in her apron and hubby in his lair,
Had just settled in for the last of the baking usually done so rare;
When out in the garage there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the oven to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a present laden hubby so dear,
Wrapped presents were stacked high already done,

Along with tins of favorites for each of the loved ones.
Now cookies, now caramels, and yes, chocolate fudge,
Then brittle and haystacks, and yes, peanut butter fudge.
"You expect me to get all this in the car, stacked to the wall?'
Yes, dear, I do, so we can dash away all!
p.s. Cooking and baking consumed the stitching time today, but I will be back tomorrow with more progress...hope your shopping and baking and cleaning and cards are done.....I can say mine are now!
All the creatures are stirring, even the mouse;
The stockings are packed by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here:
The baked goods were nestled all snug in their tins,
While visions of more cookies danced in the din;
And mamma in her apron and hubby in his lair,
Had just settled in for the last of the baking usually done so rare;
When out in the garage there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the oven to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a present laden hubby so dear,
Wrapped presents were stacked high already done,

Along with tins of favorites for each of the loved ones.
Now cookies, now caramels, and yes, chocolate fudge,
Then brittle and haystacks, and yes, peanut butter fudge.
"You expect me to get all this in the car, stacked to the wall?'
Yes, dear, I do, so we can dash away all!
p.s. Cooking and baking consumed the stitching time today, but I will be back tomorrow with more progress...hope your shopping and baking and cleaning and cards are done.....I can say mine are now!
Friday, December 17, 2010
A little here and there
I worked on the bottom flower again tonight. The outside left petal got some of the darkest orange and some of the overdyed as well. The middle back petal got a bit more of the overdyed and then I barely started with the darkest for the center.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Flower Outlines
All of the black Flower Thread Alicia lace background is stitched. I started the last white flower background at the top but only got a bit of it done. For now, you can see where the last flower will go and that will probably take one more night of stitching all that white. Then we move on to outlining the flowers as shown on the very left most flower.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Adding more walls
I repeated row two and using Encore did another row of Gobelin and corner Smyrna Crosses. Then using the Flair, the next wall shimmers around the Encore. I started the final row of Alabaster and finished one side of the Alternating Mosaics and started around the corner. This one won't take much longer to finish!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The right side
I completed the right side tonight! The background, that is! I decided that I would do all the Double Stitch background before I did the hearts as they go so fast. And, I am incredibly slow at the background! I also have to basketweave the left tail of the bow and down the center of the package. Decisions, decisions....which one to do first!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Center pink
I worked on Aurora Borealis tonight and finished Pattern 1. this is a flat pattern variation. I did a series of over five and over two to create the openings for the beads. This is surrounded by Madeira gold over two as well and you can see I left some dangling at the top on the right. I will finish the column up after I work the bottom row of the next pattern. After placing the beads, I did uprights over five threads and on top of the beads using burgundy Soie d"Alger.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Down to the chin
I worked on Wild Woman's face again tonight getting her foundation on almost to her chin. I am using four strands of Splendor and doing basket-weave. I will continue past her chin and do her neck and the v up to the dress all in basket-weave before starting on the rest of her face.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Stem stitching
I decided to start in on the leaves at the bottom of the circle and am using four strands of Splendor to do stem stitches that follow the drawn lines on each one. I like how the direction has changed the sheen on them! Even though the leaves are not the focal point, there are a lot of them and I knew what stitch I wanted for them. I am still selecting other stitches for other areas. By putting these in, it will help me make better choices for the others.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Petal Prepping
I worked on the two left front poppy petals tonight using the lightest value in the single strand of Splendor. I also added the middle value in the top petal but still have more to add. The curved petal at the bottom will get some of the middle value added to the open area, but will remain light as it swirls around the petal in the very center.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Black is Back
While Otto is getting framed, I am resuming my rotations. Last night I started his replacement and tonight I resumed stitching on the Black Lace Fan. I almost completed the section on the right. I am using flower thread in the Alicia Lace stitch and it goes fairly quickly. This area is the left section of the last flower on the fan. If you enlarge the photo you can see the outline of the flower very clearly now.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Snow Garden
Sometimes when I finish one big project, I pull out a little one, rather than start another large one. Tonight I pulled this out of the stash pile (and it did not topple on me!). It is a Carol J. Algie Design for Rainbow Gallery and it is worked on a 6 x 6 piece of white 18 count. I started in the center and did four Cushion stitches using Rainbow Gallery Alabaster. Next a border row of Gobelin and corner Smyrna Crosses in Encore. The third row is slanted Gobelin in Flair, and the final two rows are alternating Mosaic using the Alabaster again. This section went fairly fast and I am leaving it in the rotation for next week. This will be made in to an ornament.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Just by the hair....
Well, folks, I am finished! I have certainly had such fun reading all of your comments and talking and flirting with all of you--as appropriate, of course! My chin hairs were finished with two strands of black Splendor in buillion knots. Then my top eyelash was stitched on with another single strand of black thread.....oh, all right, it is a fake one....did you really think she could stitch something like that?? Last, the three bells are attached and knotted on by black Ultrasuede. I think I am just as dapper a Suffolk sheep that hit town. Thanks for coming along during the creation and for all the great comments. See you after I am framed for an encore!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
A full coat
Now that Otto is fully coated, he is much happier and a lot warmer since the temperatures are down in the twenties here in the mountains. He was also a tad upset this morning during the snow flurries, but they have subsided and with his full coat he has returned to his happy disposition. The last of the mountains under his chin are also completed and there are just a few odds and ends to finish up. Anne asked about the background. In her piece Ms. Portra did a four way continental in a matching DMC floss. I am choosing not to do that on this piece. I will finish this piece tomorrow night!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
A long neck
Otto has a long neck and I worked more knots along his neck and down the fur to the bottom of the design. All I have left is to complete one small area and hope that I don't run out of fiber! I hope to get this last bit of fur done tomorrow....fiber permitting!
Friday, December 3, 2010
So it grows
Otto's coat is growing, maybe not by leaps and bounds, but by inches every day. I have continued the two different color strands down the left side for more shading under his ear and close to his neck while staying with
the solid off white on the outside edge. I also think his wool would be dirty close to his head but not so much further back on his body. Either way, I like it.
the solid off white on the outside edge. I also think his wool would be dirty close to his head but not so much further back on his body. Either way, I like it.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Adding on
I finished out to the top right corner, rounded the ear and moved down the back of his head. In so doing, I added in some of the darker color along the neck and then used a strand of light and dark under the ear closest to his neck. I think he needs some shading in here and will shade some here and there all the way down.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Out to one edge
I worked on the top right area tonight and got out to one edge--see, up in the very corner-- and
also shaded ones around the ear. I am glad so many of you like Otto as he is quite the character. Thanks for
all the comments and emails about him! Adding the "wool" adds to his charm I think and I am going as fast as I can! I will look for the turbo needles tomorrow! As you can see I still have a ways to go and some finishing touches, so thanks for the encouragement too!
also shaded ones around the ear. I am glad so many of you like Otto as he is quite the character. Thanks for
all the comments and emails about him! Adding the "wool" adds to his charm I think and I am going as fast as I can! I will look for the turbo needles tomorrow! As you can see I still have a ways to go and some finishing touches, so thanks for the encouragement too!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A change of plans
Allright, I can hear you laughing since I change things a lot, but I did it again! I did not like the wool and it did not brush up very much doing the irregular gobelin stitches. So, I changed to Alpaca and used two strands and am doing Colonial knots. I know....more knots, but I think it looks more better......more better....where did that come from?? I think it looks more like sheep's wool and I am also using two colors.....time for me to take a typing break!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Little progress
Sorry there is no photo tonight. I finished the mountains at the bottom of the canvas and started doing the Interlocking split stitch. I did not like it. I pulled it all out. Better luck on that tomorrow. In the meantime, Judy has asked me who the artist was on this. Suffolk sheep was an original art piece painted by Beth Van Hoesen and this canvas interpretation was done by Doris Gustafson. Otto was stitched by Susan Portra and written up in 1991, and I saw the canvas on eBay and bid on it.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I can hear you
Yes, Otto is listening to what is going on! His ear is finished. I started by padding horizontally and diagonally and did four layers of padded stitches. I then came back and laid six strands of floss over the gray area. I then did basketweave with six strands of black for the bottom section of his ear. Next I put in a few more rows of muntains under his chin and in the corner. I realized that I should go ahead and finish Otto and take him to his new home at Christmas, so I will work on him until he is finished, which should not take too long!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The last French knot!
It is true! The holiday is over, the shopping is done, and I took my niece to the airport. So I sat down and started the rest of the French knots on Otto's neck......and much to my delight I finished them! Yippee...Woohoo...Happy dancing....and all that jazz! What an amazing number of knots, but so effective for texture on a sheep. Otto is very pleased with himself and is waiting patiently for me to do his ear so he can better hear what is going on! I started by laying in the first of padding stitches.
Monday, November 22, 2010
I made it....
all the way to the bottom on the right quandrant! Woohoo! Even though it seems slow going, I am making progress on the Double Stitch. Using the two strands of Waterlilies, I am working my way down the right side
and have mad the decision that I will work the heart designs once all the background is done. The heart designs stitch up very quickly but as you know backgrounds take forever! I still also have to complete the bow streamer on the left side as well. Progress is progress!
and have mad the decision that I will work the heart designs once all the background is done. The heart designs stitch up very quickly but as you know backgrounds take forever! I still also have to complete the bow streamer on the left side as well. Progress is progress!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A little further along
Moving on to fill in the A section, I am using two strands of the pink overdye to create a four short four long stitch pattern at the bottom of this column. I did not get as much of this done as I would like but it has been a very busy weekend and day! This pattern is creating space that will be filled in shortly. This is a closeup that is very close to actual color of both the canvas and thread.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I spent more time stitching in Wild Woman's face and have filled in from the top of her glass and down diagonally across her hose. I am using 4 strands of Splendor and doing basketweave for her "foundation". I am using the Bohin needle on this piece and am finding it very smooth and easy in my hand so far.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Two surprises!
Next, Lacquered Leaves is framed. Maggie put a beautiful silk mat on this piece and the simple yet elegant gold frame sets this piece off! |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Will you look at that neck?
I made significant progress on filling in Otto's neck! I can see the light at the end of the French Knot tunnel! Yippee! And, there was no chuckling tonight....just a great deal of patience on his part! In an earlier post, I was asked how I do the French knots on canvas. I am using six strands of DMC floss and I wrap the needle twice after coming up in an empty hole. I then go down into an adjacent hole over at least one canvas thread or intersection. Hope that helps!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Black and White
I finished the right most full black section in Alicia Lace with the single strand of flower thread. Then I worked the second layer of white on the right most leaf, and moved on to start the last black section on the right.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Another petal
I am working on the foreground poppy and have now completed the entire back right petal, along with the curve on the center petal. I have started the back left petal with the first layer of long and short. As I am working with a single strand, it does take a while to create the petals, but they are worth the time.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Another inch or so
I worked the Double Stitch in the two strands of Waterlilies again tonight and think it is just about an inch further down the right side all the way across. Maybe?. Way down at the bottom is a basting row of black thread, so I can tell when it is done- the line is level with the bottom of the bow.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
And Sunday will be....
Aurora Borealis Revisited 2001 by Marnie Ritter. I picked this kit up from Ms. Ritter at Callaway Gardens at Merchandise night. It is the full kit including the 16 x 18 line drawn canvas, all the fibers, and the instructions. she designed the original piece in 1990 for the cover of Needlepoint Now. Revisited is updated to needlepoint today with new colors, threads and patterns. There are 33 different patterns in the piece and the colors are a compliment to the original design. I think I even have the original pattern for the 1990 design but have yet to stitch it. In her commentary she states that this one has a more open feel to it and the patterns are somewhat changed. I started by stitching per the instructions in the center of the design and used Madiera to work the gold lines and then started the first pattern section in Needle Necessities.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Do you remember?
Do you remember me showing you this one? This canvas is from Colonial Needle and she fits one of the tote bags. I call her Wild Woman....just look at that hair!! What fun!! Let's get started! |
I am working on her face first. I am also trying out one of the Bohin needles to see how I like stitching with it.
I am using two strands of Splendor and it may be a little hard for you to see, but I have done her forehead, down her nose and under her eyes....just to the top of her glasses. Since this piece is going on the front of a bag that I will carry a lot, I am going to try not to get too carried away with her, but she is going to be a lot of fun.
Friday, November 12, 2010
B-R-R-R-R-R-D Bath
Friday's stitching is going to be B-r-r-r-r-r-d Bath, a Charley Harper design, by Treglown Designs. It is set on 18 x 18 stretcher bars, and you can see I have an assortment of the fibers I will be using to stitch the piece. I am busy deciding on stitches tonight and I have all Splendor except the whites in the top right corner. Those are the possibles for the snow.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
So for Thursday....
Yes, it is Otto! Otto has the Thursday slot and he is not minding a bit. I was working on the French knots on his neck again tonight, trying to complete these pretty soon. And, then he just chuckled! I guess he is ticklish under his chin.....
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Black & White
I have been getting all my rotation projects back out and this is Wednesday's. To refresh this is called Lace Fan and was a class I took at Carolinas seminar in 2001! Since I had finished the other fan design that Marilyn had done, I also wanted to finish this one. I worked on it a bit a while back and it is now officially in the rotation to complete. Both the black and white areas are worked in Alicia Lace. I have quite a bit of the white in so tonight I worked on the black with the flower thread and completed the right most two sections. My plan is to get back to the seven project rotation (Monday is Gift of Love bow, Tuesday is Oriental Poppies) and you will have to see what is up for tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The third poppy
I started the third or foreground poppy. I first outlined all of the outside petal edges with a single strand of the Splendor. Next and again with a single strand I have started filling in the back petal and the curve of one of the center petal in the long and short stitch.This flower is a reversal of colors in that the center is going to be the darker shades and the outer edges will be the palest.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Compensating Background
I continued working on the background on the right side of Gifts of Love Bow tonight. This entails a great deal of compensating around the hearts but it is almost down to the end of the right hand ribbon tail. I am using two strands of Waterlilies Ice to do the Double Stitch.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The finish.
Betty's box is done. I used the base provided by Sudberry and cut one piece of batting the same size and then cust two others each 1/2 smaller than the base. I glued those in place and let it dry. Then I wanted some glitz behind the piece and found a pink chiffon with some glitter sprinkled on. From the last harem, not really, from a wedding shower. Really! Next, the piece itself. After I placed all of that and secured it with two sided sticky tape, I did the twisted cord with the Splendor mauvy one and the Kreinik #8 braid and glued it around the edge. I am sure she is going to like this piece!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Another one is ready
I finished stitching the design tonight. I finished border one with the Frosty Rays, and then did Border number two with the Fyre Werks. I added the beads to the pink Slendor areas and sprinkled a few on the green center design. Tomorrow I will finish this into the Sudberry box top!
Friday, November 5, 2010
More and More
I got a little more time to stitch today. I finished all the Splendor pattern and then used Kreinik #8 to create the four corner designs in 3232. Next I started the first border using Frosty Rays and in a Gobelin stitch. I just have a little bit of it left and I can start the second border. This is being worked on an 8 x 8 frame.
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