Pierrette asked about the penguin for the stocking. The penguin came with the canvas, so I don't have to make one to stuff it with. I do have to make the stocking with the lining to hold it! But, not today! LOL
It takes a long time to create heirlooms. Photos and information on this blog are not free to be pinned, copied, or transferred without my permission. Please be cyber savvy and ask before taking.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Sheep Cube
Pierrette asked about the penguin for the stocking. The penguin came with the canvas, so I don't have to make one to stuff it with. I do have to make the stocking with the lining to hold it! But, not today! LOL
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The stocking is finished.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Added Feet and Water!
Almost done!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A scarf and a fishing line....
Jane, I hope to get to his silk feet tomorrow! LOL
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A head and wings
More surprises on this one to come!
Friday, December 26, 2008
The stocking has a background
Today, I got back to stitching!
Remember this is the Kathy Schenkel Penguin mini stocking for my great nephew Peyton. I did the outline of the top section in Splendor 860 blue, and then did the basket weave background in Splendor 802 white. I used four strands of fiber for all of these stitches. Since I will be putting color up next to the white, I decided it would be better to have all of that filled in so none of the colors would fuzz into the white.
Next up: Starting the penguin!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It is under the tree!
First, I did whiskers, again using the Alpaca 18. Next, I did the cross stitch x in red Neon Rays +. Then I finished by doing the spirals using black Fuzzy Stuff.
Last week, I took the piece by the framer--still on the stretcher bars, as I was still stitching! They measured it for the mat, glass and red metal frame. This past Monday, I picked up all the pieces in brown paper and brought them home. After taking it off the stretcher bars, I laced it to the 3/16 foam core padded with a single layer of thin batting. Next, I put the three sides of the metal frame together with the L hardware and tightened the screws to hold the corners. Next, I added the picture wire eyes and tightened them in place. Then I slid the glass, mat, and laced piece into the back. Lastly, I put the bottom piece on, tightened the screws, and inserted the tighteners in all four sides. I then cut a piece of brown wrapping paper and glued it to the edges to cover all the frame and lacing stuff. I added a sticky label with the date and designer name and signed it. I hung it on the wall and snapped this picture for you to see--along with my arm!--and then wrapped it! It is under the tree waiting for morning! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Update on the surprise!
Monday, December 22, 2008
A mini stocking for Peyton
This is the Kathy Schenkel design that my niece picked out for my great nephew, Peyton. He is a great penguin design!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Two photos!
First, I finally got a photo of the Mornin' Luv all framed up. I took Laura Perrin's advice and lightly shaded, with my brown colored pencil, around the outside and then lighter out to the edges.
The mat is a wine color to pick up the darker shading in his hat and compliment his shorts and slippers. The frame itself is a bronze metal color.
I finished the tent stitches all around the purse so it is ready to be finished. I am going to set this aside for now and do a batch of finishing all at once.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Good news and bad
I finished framing Mornin' Luv tonight! I took five different pictures to post one. They all have issues: a reflection of the other wall, the flash in two, my arm in two. I must be really tired or borderline incompetent tonight. I will try again tomorrow in the daylight!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A finished purse
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
In my next life...
I will be an octopus! I spent some time on the framing of the Mornin' Luv, and then put in some more of the purse background, and moved on to work more background on the surprise! Whew! I am tired, and don't have a photo of any thing far enough along to show you .
Except, up on the roof top of the solar project, they have panels up!
This is bay one, in the distance, with all the panels up. they are rows behind that you cannot see. The project is due to be completed by this Friday. I took these photos on Sunday so you can see that they are right on track!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Step one....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
You promise not to tell?
I am working on the background of the purse, and this afternoon I started the framing of Mornin' Luv. That means tomorrows photo will be one of those!
Happy Stitching!
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Hearts
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pink Purse Progress
Tomorrow I start filling in the hearts.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The next project
Like the Holly leaves, I will be turning this into an ornament. I am planning on putting a gold chain on it to hang it with.
The fibers I will be using are pictured above: Sparkle Rays, Kreinik gold, and Petite Very Velvet!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Holly ornament is stitched!
You can see more of her great designs at http://www.jodydesigns.com/. She told me that you can purchase this same canvas, along with many others directly from her by emailing her directly at: jodydesign@aol.com (note, no s on the email addy!). She is working on a website that will be up with a full catalog download soon!
I hope you take some time to cruise the wonderful pieces she has created.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Janet's Santas and Mom's Holly
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Mornin Luv has slippers!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Anybody got a razor?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Legs....not by ZZ top
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Exciting but not stitching!
I have a very interesting job as I work as an office manager in a welding shop. I see a lot of interesting and unusual things created every week. We have a lot of very experienced and talented people who work here and lots of unusual requests come in weekly. The guys always find a way to make whatever the customer wants. We are very fortunate to be working on one of the largest solar installations right now. Work is under way to use solar power to heat and air condition a 22 acre building. The guys have been fabricating and installing steel pipe to support the solar panels, installed a 27,000 gallon stainless steel tank for water for the system, and on Wednesday, install the frame for, and two chiller pumps on the roof. In the picture below you see the frame setting on the ground next to one of the chiller units. The EXCITING part is that all of this was being lifted to the roof of the building with a HELICOPTER! And.......I got to go and watch! Woohoo! The frame itself weighs almost six thousand pounds!
After the chopper came in, they unloaded all the cables and rigging you see setting to the rear of the chopper. Then the cables were attached to the four corners of the frame. The chopper started up and then lifted the frame up and over the roof to the far corner of the building.
We went up on the roof and watched from there due to the major air displacement around a chopper, and they require a totally clear path from takeoff to set down site. While on the roof, we could also see all the solar panels that are already in place. After this was set in place, our welders secured it to the building and the chopper went back and set down for a bit. When the frame was welded in place, the pilot repeated the procedure with both chiller units. This was totally awesome to watch and very exciting to see that more and more of the community is becoming more energy conscious. We were all grateful for beautiful weather--about fifty degrees and only a slight wind for the chopper pilot to negotiate.
I realize this is not much about stitching, but I was thrilled to see this and am very excited about the possibilities that solar and green resourcing can bring to our worlds.
I realize this is not much about stitching, but I was thrilled to see this and am very excited about the possibilities that solar and green resourcing can bring to our worlds.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thanksgiving Cactus
Back to stitching for me!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I am stitching the background on the Holly Ornament today. I am alternating between the Kreinik 032 white in the ball of the design and have also started stitching the white in Splendor around the outside edge. Unfortunately, the picture does not show up so great, so tonight you have to take my word for it!
Happy stitching!
Happy stitching!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The second leaf
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I will be away for a couple of days! My niece is here for the holidays and we have a lot of talking and shopping to do, so there won't be a lot of time for stitching! I will be back on Sunday, November 30th with another update.
Enjoy the company of your friends and family, thankful for the bounty they provide in our lives!
Safe travels to all whether on the road or in the malls!
Enjoy the company of your friends and family, thankful for the bounty they provide in our lives!
Safe travels to all whether on the road or in the malls!
Monday, November 24, 2008
One completed leaf
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Polka Dots & Hearts
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I changed my mind
I did not like the medium value I had originally chosen for the leaves in the Kreinik # 12's.
So I spent some time this afternoon and took out all of the Kreinik. I then pulled out some Rainbow Gallery. A single strand of Gold Rush 18 in 144C is now the darkest value. Two strands of Nordic Gold in 5 are the medium value. A single strand of Gold Rush 18 in 33C is the lightest value. I also added Red 003 Kreinik 12 to the lightest red value in the berries.
Much better, now I can sleep. LOL
Friday, November 21, 2008
Toothpaste and a Toothbrush
Doncha just want to pinch his nose? LOL
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Leaves and berries
This ornament is very well painted and stitches up beautifully. I don't think it will take long to finish this one because it goes fast and is very pretty!
I will finish this one myself, and will blog finish it for you all to follow along.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The belly
And, you can see his eyes better on this one.
Blogger and I argue about why if more than one photo is loaded, that it won't enlarge. Blogger always wins, but I will still keep posting two photos once in a while.
As you may have noticed, I am rotation stitching for a while. I have several things I want to work on, and some nights, I am more drawn to one canvas than another. This may have something to do with how late I got home, and how much time I have to stitch! LOL
So, right now, we have the Holly ornament, and Mornin Luv. Soon, you will see more of what I will be doing.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Two Photos!
So, I have been using all tent stitch on this piece. The top of the ornament is worked in Kreinik #12 (I am using all #12) 002J, gold. The white background is 032, the dark red on the holly berry is 308, and the first green is 008.
And then, I got a note from Mom! She said Mornin Luv looked like he was blind! Oooohhhhh, Nooooo! She said I had to go back and fix his eyes, using a darker color and putting the iris in his eye with a French knot. Yes, Mother. So, I did, and you know how mothers are always right???
You decide.
P.S. Jane wants to know about his slippers. Yes, they are supposed to be fuzzy, but not bunnies!
Monday, November 17, 2008
He is back!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Octagon 33
Tomorrow, I will post progress on Morning Luv!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A shoulder and part of an arm
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Not shave and a haircut......Beard and a moustache....
Now despite several comments about this good lookin' dude that some of you may or may not have dated, I checked with Mom. She says she got this inspiration from a card from an old friend......We are going to go with that, okay? She also said she thinks it is coming along nicely, but said he did need gray in his hair tufts, (distinguishing...) and face. So, tonight, I added his beard, moustache, and some gray to what other hair we can see. I did not add any gray to his eyebrows as he is very vain and uses Grecian formula on them. By the way, I used a single strand of brown Splendor, and a single strand of gray DMC.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Eyes and Eyebrows
I was going to outline his eyes with a brown, but Jane in CH prompted me to use a blue, and it worked great!
Now to answer some questions: Yes, Mom reads the blog and she is watching the progress on her fella. But, no she does not say who the model was!
I am glad you are enjoying watching this guy, as is DH! This one just makes us chuckle!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Starting the face
Sunday, November 9, 2008
What am I doing?
I am working on the face on Mornin Luv, but since it was not complete don't have a picture for you today.
Stay tuned for progress tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Finishing the Loretta Spears heart
This pattern is called Sweetheart!
I completed the finishing on the Loretta Spears Heart ornament. If you remember, I stitched this piece in the car on one of the recent trips. I found a great pink trim that also has little white pearls on it. I sewed this one to a piece of white velvet for backing, and stuffed it with quilt batting. After sewing it together, I sewed the gimp on with a doubled strand of the Accentuate that was mixed with the Needle Necessities Overdyed to stitch the piece. I then added a ribbon loop and bow for the hanger.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The man has a hat
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Starting with the hat
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