Isn't this just rich and so kingly? I used Kreinik 033 blue braid and did a Scotch stitch variation in the center of all the openings. Then I used the 002HL gold to work tent stitches all around the Scotch stitch creating each of the squares. Last, one long stitch is done with the same gold from the top right of each box down into the fourth stitch of the Scotch. I also worked a little more of the basketweave at the bottom of the skirt.
It takes a long time to create heirlooms. Photos and information on this blog are not free to be pinned, copied, or transferred without my permission. Please be cyber savvy and ask before taking.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
A Royal Overskirt
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Now it is all sparkly!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The underskirt
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Tudor Dog
Anyway, King Henry the VIII's Chapel Royal at Hampton Court has the royal, white and gold colors that we will use to work this one. There is a diaper pattern damask kirtle with and embroidered bodice over the heart patterned taffeta underkirtle. The sleeves will appear to be pinked so that small holes in the fabric create a pattern, and then small ornaments are applied to the holes and embroidery is added. Ornate borders will define the cuff, kirtle and underkirtle. He will also have a golden ruff or collar and fluffy wings. I have chosen to stitch the Dalmatian head option of the three presented.
The fibers are pulled and the design is traced onto the canvas. Let the adventure begin!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Midnight Garden is finished.
Lastly I used a single strand of Rainbow Gallery Patina, color 28, to work the single row of tent all around the outside border.
This will get set in the finishing pile (which is getting rather large!) to be turned into a gift later.
Thanks to Orna Willis for a great design, and to the Cyberstitchers group for doing this as a stitch along!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The final posy patch
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Half Rhodes stitches
Friday, January 23, 2009
Starting the bottom
Finally, a decent photo of the canvas I am working on! I think I have this figured out and this is pretty close to the pink overdyed canvas color. I started the bottom row tonight with another patch of flowers. This is worked in the cushion stitch pattern as above, and this one I used Silk Mori, four strands in 6124. I thought it might be too grey, but I like the way it picks up the blue in the top row, same position. I filled this one in with Magnifica beads, 10068. I have three more sections to put in, along with the border. This is quick, fun, and interesting due to changing threads and embellishing!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A few more leaves
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Another patch of posies
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Row two is finished!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Row Two
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Midnight Garden
As a member of Cyberpointers,, I am participating in a stitch along designed by Orna Willis called Midnight Garden. The original design can be seen on Orna's blog on the right, Ornaments, and was done on a black canvas with several Caron Waterlilies and Watercolours threads. First, I did not have any black canvas....I thought I did, but today I could not find it. I found white, off white and pink. Pink will work since it is an overdyed and maybe this could be a garden at sunset in the summer. Okay then, pull the Waterlilies and Watercolours that I have in the stash. Yikes, what a mish mash of a collection. Okay, put those away....what other silks.....Cascade Silks I have not tried......nope, not enough and why did I buy two of four colors? Move on. Not enough A ver a Soie either. Silk Mori! I have tons of those! Okay, maybe not tons, but enough to put a mauve and green palette together. Also, pulled a couple of Needle Necessities overdyed. Yes, I know they are cotton, but I need some varigation!
Okay, I can live with this!
First I used Needle Necessities 1001, four strands and did the eyelet stitches in the top right. I think these are pretty flowers. Then, I used the Needle Necessities 1060, four strands and worked the leaf stitch variation on the left. It is actually a lot greener and less blue in person. I think this is a good start.
Okay, I can live with this!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tickled Purple
I am just tickled Purple! It is completed! I finished all of the Splendor 961 tonight so it can be finished. I also put the Kreinik gold in the wings, and the little bows on the sleeves of the dress. I am setting this aside to finish both of the guardian angels at the same time, so you will have to wait on that for a bit.
Friday, January 16, 2009
And I am calling it half
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A new pet
I work as you know. A few weeks ago, this amazing creature showed up, soooooo, of course, we got some chicken scratch after a couple of days and started feeding him! Percy is quite the showman. When he first appeared, he did not have the beautiful tail feathers and fantastic flight feathers he does now. Slowly but surely those have all filled in and he is a magnificent iridescent beauty. He has made himself very much at home, and peers at me over the paper cabinet a lot during the day. He also hangs out at the front door, peering in. He loves sitting on the back of the rollback truck and munching his snacks. He and the shop cat are now on friendly terms--as long as the cat stays out of his way. He loves to sit on top of the silver truck as well. He honks if there is not enough corn in the front to suit him, and has started wandering into the shop if the overhead doors are open. If he gets startled, he will fly through the shop to the next open door--sounds like a jet! He does snitch the cat's food if Skidmark (the guys named the cat, not me!) does not notice. Last Sunday the boss was in the shop and did not realize Percy had snuck in. (Well, it was getting chilly outside, don't cha know?) Anyway, when we got to work Monday morning he was sitting on top of one of the forklifts. Of course, he does leave deposits here and there, so the guys have to clean that up. Even if they compain, they like him. He will walk right up behind one that might be welding or grinding--sparks flying do not bother him. So what if they drop a piece of steel as long as it is not on him. I am hoping to get some more shots, and hopefully he will spread that tail instead of always cleaning it. His neck and top comb are just gorgeous too and I would like for you all to see them as well.
Oh, and yes, I am still stitching the background!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Merry Christmas to me!
Oh, and yes, I did more background tonight on the Georgian Rabbit Angel!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Wow! So many wonderful comments on the Georgian Rabbit Angel! Thanks for all the nice comments. Yes, Margaret, feel free to do your halo the same way. BTW, I used one of my laying tools to hold the gold in the front so the loops will all be the same size. As I was posting last night, I realized I had not done the backstitch up the center of each stitch. So, now I am thinking I may also do that in gold to tie the whole thing together. While I am doing the basketweave around the outside I am contemplating this last little finish! What do you all think?
Back to basketweave for me!
Back to basketweave for me!
Monday, January 12, 2009
It is stitched!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
It looks like a rabbit!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
With time on my hands
Friday, January 9, 2009
borders and underskirts, oh, my!
Anyway, first I finished the overskirt border. The green I put in last night, and tonight I added the yellow Pure China Silk, and the purple oblong crosses and tiny filling stitches are done with two strands of the 816. Then, I worked the underskirt. It is a two color cashmere stitch worked horizontally slanting to the left. The light stitch over one intersection is done in the 816, and the dark over two intersections is done in the 30552 again. I am going to put beads in the center of the flowers in the borders later. The instructions call for French knots, but I want to use beads to add extra glitz! Ornaments need glitz!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Under and over borders
The overskirt border, on the left, was first worked with a single strand of Kreinik #8, 002HL in tent stitch. I then completed the leaves using the same green DMC rayon above.
Working with rayon threads can be "a headache" as Margaret mentioned in the previous comments. I make my life a little easier by working with short lengths, dropping my needle frequently, and always, always work with a laying tool--even on the over one stitches. I also go with the idea that no one will notice a few twisted threads riding by, on horseback, at 60 m.p.h. LOL Needlework is supposed to be enjoyable and that is why I try to do. Enough said.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Let's start with the dress
After transferring the outline to the 18 count canvas, the instructions indicate to begin with the dress bodice and sleeve, using dark violet in a diagonal mosaic slanted to the right for the bodice and to the left for the sleeve. I used four strands of DMC Rayon floss in color number 30552 to work this area.
I then moved to the underskirt border and worked the outside two rows of tent stitches using Kreinik 002HL, 1 strand. I moved to this area and did the outline to ensure that the edges were defined for the pattern that will be worked there.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Georgian Rabbit Angel
Introducing Kandace Merric's Georgian Rabbit Angel

Jane in Chillow Hollow, Master or Queen Enabler, (I can't remember which!) contacted me a while back to see if I would be interested in stitching some of Kandace Merric's Guardian Angels of Household Pets! Of course I would! Above is a photo of the magazine, July of 1997, Needle Pointers, that has the Georgian Rabbit Angel that I will stitch first! With Jane's permission, I stole the following from her blog which gives the information regarding this project, it's destination, and information if you would care to join us!
"Through the kind offices of the designer Kandace Merric and the permission of Needlepointers magazine, I am able to share the instructions and line drawings for the Household Pet Guardian angels with folks who wish to stitch one or more angels for the ANG Auction in Milwaukee in the fall of 2009. Please note that the copyright of these designs belongs to Ms. Merric and the American Needlepoint Guild, so do not share your instructions with folks not working these for the Auction.
There are six Pet Guardian Angels: the Renaissance rat, Medieval cat, Tudor dog, Victorian parakeet, Baroque fish and Georgian rabbit. All the animals are dressed in period costume using colors appropriate to their period. The dog has three head shapes to choose from--the Westie which you see in the model--Ms.Merric raises West Highland White Terriers--a Dalmation and a Golden Retreiver . You don't have to stick to the colors and threads used in 1996-1997 when these were originally published in the magazine. Kandy Merric explains thatshe used cotton perle, Paternayan wool, Medici wool and Kreink metallics in her original instructions because these were easily obtainable at that time. If you have these threads, go ahead and use them if you like, but feel free to play around with other threads and colors. Ms. Merric loves it when a stitcher is bold enough to change colors!
However, I am asking everyone to stitch their angel with the same background color (ecru) using tent stitches. Use either DMC's color Ecru in cotton floss or cotton perle, or Splendor silk in color #961. If you want to use another thread brand, match the color to DMC Ecru or Splendor 961. I think it will be best if everyone trims their angel with Kreinik #32 braid in either gold or silver, as well. These are your constraints--use 18 count canvas, the background must be in tent stitches in ecru, and trim your ornament in either silver or gold #32 Kreinik braid. No matter what colors you dress your Pet Guardian Angel in, the same background color in tent stitch and Kreinik braid trim will make them all look like a set of folk art angels.
Pat Miller and I are working out easy finishing instructions for everyone to follow so that we can all make up our own angel in a similar, but easy manner. Feel free to have yours professionally finished if you like--just remember to trim with Kreinik #32 braid in either silver or gold. Also remember that we all will have to mail our angels to the ANG Auction chair the end of June 2009. That's the deadline and there is no wiggle room for it. I will keep track of everyone who is stitching an angel and let everyone know the address to mail their angel to in a reminder email later on.
I will stitch all six designs myself publicly on Blog. Feel free to follow along when I get to your angel. I'm stitching them in random order as one takes my fancy, and hope to do one a month from now until early June.
The Pet Guardian Angels vary a bit in size (they are roughly 6+ inches long and 4+inches high) but they all fit on an 8 X 10 inch size of 18 count needlepoint canvas with margins of roughly 2 inches of unstitched canvas all the way around. The instructions are in PDF form if you don't have the necessary back issues of Needlepointers (see list below). You need to email me at chilly hollow athot maildot com which angel you are interested in and wait patiently for me to get the instructions to you. It won't be right away as I'll wait a week to see how many emails I have to send and organize things so that all the cats go out one day, all the fish the next, etc. I'll post my progress in sending instructions on Blog so you will know roughly when your PDFs should be in your email box. If you have the back issues of the magazine and will work from it, please email me which animal you are stitching and I'll remind you of the deadline for the Auction and where to send your animal as well.
Here are the original dates of the six Needlepointers where you can find the instructions if you have the back issues:
Medieval Cat - October/November 1996
Renaissance Rat - December 1996-January 1997
Tudor Dog - February/March 1997
Baroque Fish - May 1997
Georgian Rabbit - July 1997
Victorian Parakeet - September 1997
Ask any questions you can think of by emailing me at chillyhollow athot mail dotcom or posting a question in Comments. If you just can't see yourself stitching one of the Pet Guardian Angels, never fear--ANG has many styles of canvases that need stitching. Look at the 2009 Auction List (link below) and see if anything catches your eye, then email the ANG Auction chair to make sure it's available."
I hope you enjoy this project!
Jane in Chillow Hollow, Master or Queen Enabler, (I can't remember which!) contacted me a while back to see if I would be interested in stitching some of Kandace Merric's Guardian Angels of Household Pets! Of course I would! Above is a photo of the magazine, July of 1997, Needle Pointers, that has the Georgian Rabbit Angel that I will stitch first! With Jane's permission, I stole the following from her blog which gives the information regarding this project, it's destination, and information if you would care to join us!
"Through the kind offices of the designer Kandace Merric and the permission of Needlepointers magazine, I am able to share the instructions and line drawings for the Household Pet Guardian angels with folks who wish to stitch one or more angels for the ANG Auction in Milwaukee in the fall of 2009. Please note that the copyright of these designs belongs to Ms. Merric and the American Needlepoint Guild, so do not share your instructions with folks not working these for the Auction.
There are six Pet Guardian Angels: the Renaissance rat, Medieval cat, Tudor dog, Victorian parakeet, Baroque fish and Georgian rabbit. All the animals are dressed in period costume using colors appropriate to their period. The dog has three head shapes to choose from--the Westie which you see in the model--Ms.Merric raises West Highland White Terriers--a Dalmation and a Golden Retreiver . You don't have to stick to the colors and threads used in 1996-1997 when these were originally published in the magazine. Kandy Merric explains thatshe used cotton perle, Paternayan wool, Medici wool and Kreink metallics in her original instructions because these were easily obtainable at that time. If you have these threads, go ahead and use them if you like, but feel free to play around with other threads and colors. Ms. Merric loves it when a stitcher is bold enough to change colors!
However, I am asking everyone to stitch their angel with the same background color (ecru) using tent stitches. Use either DMC's color Ecru in cotton floss or cotton perle, or Splendor silk in color #961. If you want to use another thread brand, match the color to DMC Ecru or Splendor 961. I think it will be best if everyone trims their angel with Kreinik #32 braid in either gold or silver, as well. These are your constraints--use 18 count canvas, the background must be in tent stitches in ecru, and trim your ornament in either silver or gold #32 Kreinik braid. No matter what colors you dress your Pet Guardian Angel in, the same background color in tent stitch and Kreinik braid trim will make them all look like a set of folk art angels.
Pat Miller and I are working out easy finishing instructions for everyone to follow so that we can all make up our own angel in a similar, but easy manner. Feel free to have yours professionally finished if you like--just remember to trim with Kreinik #32 braid in either silver or gold. Also remember that we all will have to mail our angels to the ANG Auction chair the end of June 2009. That's the deadline and there is no wiggle room for it. I will keep track of everyone who is stitching an angel and let everyone know the address to mail their angel to in a reminder email later on.
I will stitch all six designs myself publicly on Blog. Feel free to follow along when I get to your angel. I'm stitching them in random order as one takes my fancy, and hope to do one a month from now until early June.
The Pet Guardian Angels vary a bit in size (they are roughly 6+ inches long and 4+inches high) but they all fit on an 8 X 10 inch size of 18 count needlepoint canvas with margins of roughly 2 inches of unstitched canvas all the way around. The instructions are in PDF form if you don't have the necessary back issues of Needlepointers (see list below). You need to email me at chilly hollow athot maildot com which angel you are interested in and wait patiently for me to get the instructions to you. It won't be right away as I'll wait a week to see how many emails I have to send and organize things so that all the cats go out one day, all the fish the next, etc. I'll post my progress in sending instructions on Blog so you will know roughly when your PDFs should be in your email box. If you have the back issues of the magazine and will work from it, please email me which animal you are stitching and I'll remind you of the deadline for the Auction and where to send your animal as well.
Here are the original dates of the six Needlepointers where you can find the instructions if you have the back issues:
Medieval Cat - October/November 1996
Renaissance Rat - December 1996-January 1997
Tudor Dog - February/March 1997
Baroque Fish - May 1997
Georgian Rabbit - July 1997
Victorian Parakeet - September 1997
Ask any questions you can think of by emailing me at chillyhollow athot mail dotcom or posting a question in Comments. If you just can't see yourself stitching one of the Pet Guardian Angels, never fear--ANG has many styles of canvases that need stitching. Look at the 2009 Auction List (link below) and see if anything catches your eye, then email the ANG Auction chair to make sure it's available."
I hope you enjoy this project!
Monday, January 5, 2009
The stars are in the sky
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Baa, Baa Eight Sheep
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Five sheep and the sky
I finished the sky, all the sheep's ears and fee, and five little fuzzy Angora bodies! The grass under their feet is also done, and part of the bottom flap as well! I alternate stitching the bodies with the other Splendor stitching, as pulling the Angora through the canvas is difficult. I am using a larger needle to open the holes, but it stitch requires a lot of pull! However, it is the look I want for all the little sheeps! They are just so darn cute!
Friday, January 2, 2009
More blue skies
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A Penguin and some blue sky
Happy New Year!
A very Happy, Healthy and safe New Year to all of you! Today I am taking the decorations down and returning the house to the normal decorations! I will get back to stitching later in the day and post a new photo of the current project.
Thanks for checking out my projects, making comments and suggestions, or just dropping by!
I have lots of projects planned for 2009 so I hope you come back often and enjoy my needlearts!
P.S. Pierrette is secretly wishing I will stitch the penguin for the last project and Jane is trying to discourage her in the last post's comments section, so I have added my comment about such a suggestion!
Thanks for checking out my projects, making comments and suggestions, or just dropping by!
I have lots of projects planned for 2009 so I hope you come back often and enjoy my needlearts!
P.S. Pierrette is secretly wishing I will stitch the penguin for the last project and Jane is trying to discourage her in the last post's comments section, so I have added my comment about such a suggestion!
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