Sunday, September 26, 2010

Number five is done

I did the 6 into one twist and then couched it down with one strand of Kreinik cord on the number five leaf.  I also moved to the top right and started the flat pattern for this one.  You can see I have set up the pattern and am using Kreinik cord in silver and silver black.  Do notice that this is not a complete leaf, but a partial one.  Back to moving right along!


The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Not quite two leaves to go? I'm going to miss this piece when you finish it.

No. Six has an interesting pattern. I guess the silver/black is the stitch between the silver ovals? Fascinating!

NCPat said...

No, the flat pattern you see is worked all in cord-three strands. Two are solid silver and one is black and silver, but I used the Digital camera instead of the Nikon so it is harder to see the color--Nikon's card failed so I am waiting on a new one. You will see what the difference is after I stitch tonight.