Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Instead of...

It is that time of year, veggies and fruit abound!  Instead of I planned.....I canned tomatoes.  Do your fingers turn red after peeling and stuffing those devils in the jars?  Mine do!  Then, the Red Haven peaches are in so, of course, I had to make peach jam.  Adding insult to the injury of the time spent doing this, that darn maid never shows up, so, while the tomatoes were processing in the canner, I cleaned up the kitchen mess. And wash my arms clear to the elbow!   Not nearly as much fun as stitching, but I know we will enjoy the goodies this winter.  Oh, and one more thing.....I am not going to the farmer's market again for at least two weeks!  And, now, I think I will go and read the paper and put my feet up and contemplate stitching a lot tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Hugs! Canning is lots of work but so worth it about next January.

I need to slice and freeze peaches myself.