I did, guess what?, French knots again. I did all along the top from his nose up to his eye and then finished filling in above his eye. Directly above his eye, I switched from three and three in shades of gray to six strands of my lightest gray to highlight that area. I still think he looks like he has a smirk on his face :)
That is definitely a very self-satisfied smirk! What happened to his ear? Had a fight? I'm glad it's you doing those French knots and not me, as mine fall out.
There is a tag that goes there! LOL
What a character this sheep is! Well, at least you will really have perfect French knots after all that practice.
I like how he is shaping up.
The use of french knots for this area was a great decision. It's going to be fun seeing this sheep come to life!
I've got a sheep like this one too, Pat. I thought he would look good with french knots but haven't begun. Maybe I should dig him out.
You should! However, this is going to take me a while stitching in rotation and a boat load of French knots!
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