I guess I will put the next project together tomorrow and add a new one to the rotation.....or maybe two since I dropped the cupcake off at the framers today.
I also have archived the former blog as Yahoo is changing everything around. The new address for the old blog is now:
Once you get there you will have to click a couple of pages to see the old entries. The bad news is is that it is not as easy to navigate but if you are looking for something, you will be able to read back to August of 2006 when I started blogging.
Hi Pat,
Great progress!
Okay, what's next???
Early last year I copied all of my original Yahoo blog entries to disk and them moved them to my new blog. But I didn't have as many entries! :-)
Glad to see that Yahoo gave everyone the chance to back up their files and at least that worked after all of the problems over the last year+. I would recommend that you download them to your system so that you have them just in case.
The computer professional in Windy Meadow
The leaves are very nice, Pat. And in this photo I can see the metallic line of thread couched on the petals. This piece is really going well!
So what's next? Inquiring minds want to know....
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